The value of aesthetics in online communication


For any communication campaign to really work, it must be based on solid, high-quality content capable of moving the target audience, gradually leading them to take meaningful action within the company’s online (or offline) channels. The creation of content cannot be left to chance, in the hope that from one or two social posts something coherent and effective will emerge that can support the entire communication plan. Content for communication, of whatever nature, must be prepared well in advance, and must then be launched within the new online media – social media – at the right time, ensuring that it is read by the prototype user we have previously identified through the development of customised buyer personas

The true function of social media 

The essence of any communication campaign is right here, in the quality of the content that is communicated online and offline, in the power of the messages that are exchanged between the brand and its audience. It is therefore impossible to imagine launching a social strategy without having planned the content, which must necessarily be in tune with the nature of the brand, its history, with the external characteristics that form the brand image. The beating heart of the omnichannel communication strategy, in essence, must contain the reasons that explain the existence of the brand, its beliefs – even in extremely specific matters, such as sustainability – and its objectives in the medium and long term, which will thus present consumers with the image of a well-organised company with clear ideas. If a brand or company has unclear ideas, or if the purpose of its existence is still confused, and nebulous, these uncertainties will also be evident in its communication, generating bewilderment and perplexity among the target audience viewing its content. 

Before thinking about social media – which is to be considered as a mere tool for conveying a strong and already existing message -, companies will therefore have to spend time building their content, which must be as clear and comprehensible as possible for its entire audience. In some cases, the strong idea to be conveyed on social networks can be intimately linked to the nature of the product, which must, however, possess very precise characteristics. In order to engage the social media audience, clear and exciting content is needed, capable of engaging the user on an extremely deep level of consciousness. In a certain sense, the product must have the same characteristics, awakening in the consumer a pleasant appreciation linked to its functionality – convenience of use, usefulness – and involvement of an emotional nature linked to its external characteristics, such as an aesthetically pleasing and unique packaging that is beautiful to look at. To have an effect on social media, a product must therefore possess this double penetrating power: one more concrete, based on its actual use, the other emotional, linked to its intangible aspects.

Multi-level engagement 

By transferring these effects online, the same result will be achieved: the public will be involved on two levels – one deep, the other more superficial – and will be able to appreciate both the visible content (such as a post) and the profound message behind it, the afflatus of which can almost always be sensed. The web and social media have completely revolutionised the daily life and operational strategies of companies, especially those companies that can rely on products or services that can be effectively narrated or proposed even away from physical shops. In this sense, many brands have found themselves in a position of clear advantage over others, precisely because of the unique nature of their business and their full adaptability to the world of the Internet. One of these is undoubtedly the gambling sector, which has been able to erase the differences between land-based and virtual casinos in the space of just a few years. Online casinos and no deposit bonuses are now attracting a surprising number of players to specialised portals, attracting the interest even of new audiences that had never tried this kind of entertainment before. The wide choice of games and the overall reliability of the gaming experience – confirmed by the continuous work of a team of experts – have made these virtual experiences truly innovative and exciting, always full of surprises for all kinds of users. 

When you have managed to identify the big idea with which to animate your brand, then it is time to think about how to circulate it in the network, fully exploiting the power of social media.