Do you know when to replace sofa cushions? Here is a guide


A substantial majority of individuals are dedicating additional time at their residence to ensure their safety and safeguard others from contracting COVID-19. While you spend an extended amount of time on your settee, I would like to offer some insights on when to substitute your couch pillows. They might no longer provide adequate support or bestow the comfort you ardently desire during these arduous and uneasy circumstances.

Numerous individuals persist in utilizing their chair or sofa pads for a significantly extended period of time than they ought to. Typically, they delay and take no action as they assume they need to purchase new furniture (the sofa, chair, and loveseat) when actually, merely swapping the foam cores can bring a significant change.

Age of the couch

The first aspect to ponder upon is the longevity of your couch. It is common for individuals to forget the date of purchase of their cushioned furnishings. In case you are not proficient in record-keeping, it is advisable to inscribe the date at the rear of the foam within the cushion. According to Consumer Reports publication, it is suggested to replace the initial foam cushions within 3 to 5 years. It may come as a surprise, but it is noteworthy that a majority of the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) foam is composed of polyurethane, a plastic-based foam that begins to lose its firmness after the first half-year of usage. 

You do not feel comfortable

If you doze off on the sofa and notice discomfort in your back when you stand up, it is likely that your foam cushions are not providing adequate support. Even when you are attempting to relax, your body is putting in extra effort to keep your spine in its natural position and locate a cozy position that is absent. As the foam cores loses its elasticity, the heavier part of your physique – the mid-section – will sink into the couch. 

There is a noticeable and visible sag

Drooping may manifest on the upper or lower parts of your pillows. The springs situated in the couch base may deteriorate and diminish their supportive quality. When this occurs, the foam cushions on top will also droop and conform to the weaker springs underneath. To resolve this, you must mend the couch base before you can decide on the cushions. Nevertheless, it is probable that you require fresh cushions if the couch base has sagged and you have yet to replace your initial foam cushions. Springs ought to endure longer than foam unless you have acquired a high resiliency to maintain its form and solidity much longer than standard polyurethane types. 

You are suffering from dust allergies

In case you notice that your allergies appear to aggravate while reclining on your sofa, it might be a sign that you need to replace your cushions. Allergens are primarily caused by dust mites, and they flourish in mattresses and couch cushions. Dust mites tend to overwinter and reproduce in the polyester fiber layer that wraps around foam cushions. To ease the presence of dust mites and enhance the longevity of your cushions, it is advisable to use an inner cover that is resistant to dust mites and frequently vacuum and wash your exterior covers. Now finding the best replacement John Lewis cushions is easy as knows how to source them.