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How to maintain your AC Units to Avoid Repairs

How to maintain your AC Units to Avoid Repairs

Having an operational air conditioning unit is essential for both homes and commercial properties, especially during the summer months, and in climates that are warmer year-round. To make sure your AC units don’t malfunction and need costly repairs, it’s best to regularly maintain your AC units.

In this article, we look at how you can avoid spending hefty sums on AC repairs, and instead take preventative steps to avoid any issues and keep your system working all year round.Click here to read more about the importance of air conditioning for health and the environment in the hotter months.

Why Is AC Maintenance Important?

When it comes to air conditioning, it is much better and far more cost-effective to prevent issues before they arise, rather than dealing with them once they have already happened or got worse.

First of all, AC maintenance will help you save a lot of money. It can help lower your utility bills because when your unit is operating more efficiently your electricity, heating, and cooling costs will be lower. Dirty, clogged units are also far less efficient and use more energy to generatethe same amount of cold or hot air.

Likewise, it’s much more cost-effective to maintain your AC units to improve their lifespan, rather than replacing your unit every few years.

Malfunctioning AC units can also be bad for health. Dirty, clogged air filters, vents, and fans can lead to health hazards due to the build-up of molds and bacteria. Air conditioning units are not usually bad for health, but if they’re left without maintenance they can be dangerous. Read more about whether air conditioning is deemed healthy here:

Finally, especially during the hot months, air conditioning is a necessity in many homes and spaces. If people are trying to live or work in a space that’s poorly ventilated and too hot, it can be dangerous. Therefore, risking AC not working when you need it most is not a good idea– making sure your unit is maintained year-round will help prevent any major problems.

So, maintaining your air conditioning units in your home or commercial space will help you save both money and hassle. Now, we’ll look at some of the best ways to maintain your AC units.

How to Maintain your Air Conditioning Unit

In order to prevent issues with your AC units, it’s best to call on the help of a professional. By having your unit regularly serviced, a technician can diagnose any problems early on. They will usually check and clean the control box, coils, vents, fan motor, and fan blades. They will perform tests, like testing for any refrigerant leaks, that most people will not be able to do themselves. If anything needs adjusting or replacing, a technician can advise you on what you need or even fix it then and there.

The best time to have your AC systems serviced is off-peak, in early spring, or during the cooler months.That way, you can make sure your air conditioning is in prime working order ready for when you need it most, during the hot summer months.

For the times in between your regular maintenance checks, make sure you stay aware. Listen out for any unusual noises like hissing or whistling, and take note of any areas of your space that are hotter, cooler, or particularly draft. These are usually tell-tale early signs of issues, that you can get seen to straight away.

Common Reasons Why AC Units Fail

There are a number of reasons why AC units malfunction and many of them are easy to avoid altogether. By maintaining your units, you can avoid any larger problems occurring over time.

The AC unit is obstructed

You’d be surprised how often AC units fail due to things obstructing them. Make sure there is nothing in front of the vents – such as furniture, plants, fences, or anything else. These restrict the airflow and can render the unit inefficient. When installing a new air conditioning unit, just make sure that nothing is blocking it.

You’re overusing it

Try to avoid overloading your AC unit and changing the thermostat. This makes the unit use more energy and can reduce its efficiency over time. Therefore, if you can, try to have a regular temperature setting and don’t make the unit to its maximum every day.

The air conditioner filter needs changing

Regularly changing your air filter is the most important thing you can do to maintain your AC, because clogged filters can prevent air from moving around, ultimately reducing the efficiency of the units. You should aim to replace your air conditioner filter every 90 days, but more frequently if you think you are using your unit a lot in the hotter months. If you suspect it’s become blocked, aim to change the filter immediately, either yourself or by calling in a professional.

The condensation drain is clogged

If you see water around the furnace when your air conditioning is running, you probably have a blocked condensation drain. Over time this can become worse and stop working altogether. So, make sure you regularly clean it to prevent the build-up of grime.

Your fan is dirty
Finally, dirty fans become sluggish and are often a cause of irregular airflow, not to mention are bad for your respiratory health. Throughout the year, make sure you are regularly cleaning your fan to prevent grime and bacteria that could be harmful to anyone.

There are several reasons why air conditioning units malfunction and many of them can be avoided by regular maintenance. While you should always be aware of issues, it’s a good idea to use a professional to check your units properly every 3-6 months. In the long run, it is only going to be more cost-effective for you and your space.Get a hold of your local Climate King air conditioner repair in Ridgeland MS services for AC maintenance or repair in Mississippi. Services such as these can help service your units and help you keep them running at their best.

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