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A large subculture refers to April 20th as 420, and it has become one of the most popular days for consuming cannabis. In addition to those who have advocated for the legalization of marijuana for decades, a growing number use this day as a platform to advocate for it today. 

Taking legal action

In addition to reflecting our national values, the topic of legalization also reflects what young people consider acceptable. Many seek to legalize marijuana in response to this changing attitude. The referendum represents current attitudes and would have been an important milestone for the legalization of marijuana in the western world if it had passed. 

Depending on the legalization act of each country, the penalties for growing marijuana vary around the world. In recent years, the rules for growing and cultivating cannabis at home have changed significantly. 

It has decriminalized marijuana only recently and is in fact facing growing opposition and concerns. In recent years, acceptance has swept across the country. As of 2009, 44% of the population believed marijuana should be legalized, with 78% of self-identified liberals on board. This represents a dramatic increase from 12% in 1970. 

The issue of addiction

This raises the following question:  Does science or fact support these perceptions, or are they based on other factors? A common argument in favor of legalizing marijuana is that it is not addictive. 

According to unbiased research, approximately 10% of marijuana users become addicted to the drug to such an extent that it affects their lives beyond cannabis use. The dependence rate is reasonably high, between 10% and 30%, which simply means people needing medication to relieve their symptoms. 

So where did the idea that marijuana is not addictive come from?

In an attempt to convince people of the medicinal benefits of marijuana and its benign effects, marijuana has been presented as not addictive. Government officials have often said the opposite regarding the drug’s risks, which have also been a source of these arguments. There has been an increase in THC concentration in recent studies. Do you want to learn more and grow your own? Visit

Since 1983, U.S. scientists have been monitoring THC concentrations in the Mississippi Potency Project, which reports a variance in potency of under 4% between 1983 and 2008. Testing of drugs coming from the US and Mexico indicates 

In 2003, the potency of Border was 4.8%. In 2007, it was 7.3%. The higher level of addiction doesn’t always translate into greater levels of compulsion. In controlled studies it has been shown that smokers will adjust the amount of marijuana they consume based on strains with high THC content

This means that a higher THC content will result in a faster high. The fact is, however, that there is no direct link between increased dependence and these factors. The dependency rate has yet to decrease. There is a strong correlation between accessibility and perceived safety and rising dependency rates.

A Claim for Medicinal Use

The claim that marijuana is non-addictive and harmless is also made in conjunction with its non-addiction status. Further research has indicated that there are some medical benefits associated with cannabis. Despite this, the challenge is that these claims have been abused as a way of proving the safety of all marijuana. By making this argument, the “fear” of drug use has decreased, which in turn has led to an increase in youths trying or regularly using the substance. Healthy living is probably the way to go if one wants to improve certain illnesses. In particular, studies indicate that marijuana use may affect mood, brain development, and other cognitive functions.

Economic Conditions

Is it possible to legalize it as a revenue source? The government would save money if it taxed cannabis. Polizing cannabis users, criminalizing them, prosecuting them, and incarcerating them is costly. 

The assumption that an increase in the number of users and an increase in access and availability won’t then lead to increased dependence and, as a result, higher rehabilitation costs, seems difficult to conceive. The rise in usage would also result in more police officers or even a federal department to deal with regulating and policing the drug (can you imagine a Federal Department of Marijuana?). 

Putting Social Economy to Work

Making a direct comparison of the social costs of alcohol and tobacco with the revenues from taxes does not look promising. Tax gains appear to pale in comparison with the costs of policing, DUIs, deaths, rehabilitation, violence, and lost productivity as well as health costs. It is logical to assume that increased marijuana usage would lead to increased dependency and abuse.

Even marijuana creating less than half the problems of alcohol, this increased revenue would not more than offset the increased social costs. Beyond this narrow scope it would be difficult to carry out an analysis because more factors would have to be taken into account, as well as making comparisons where information is unavailable.

The Alcohol, Tobacco, And Marijuana Debate

Having legalized marijuana would allow the government to regulate and regulate, keeping the overall number of users low. As with the previous argument, this is also related. Comparing current legal drugs to how well they’re controlled, how prevalent they are, and how much they cost, is the easiest way to begin. 

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, adolescents abuse alcohol, tobacco, and prescription medications most often. In general, alcohol and tobacco consumption is declining, while marijuana consumption is on the rise. A successful advertising campaign directed at educating underage drinkers and smokers likely contributed to this rise. The perceived risk associated with these drugs may have contributed to the rise of marijuana use. The number of adolescents seeking marijuana has increased, but it isn’t as readily available. Approximately 7.4% of 12 to 17-year-olds have tried the drug compared to 51% who consumed alcohol.

It has been legal to consume alcohol, like tobacco and prescription medications, for decades with multiple laws and services regulating it. They are still the most abused drugs despite all of these governmental layers of control. This is because of access. Alcohol and prescription medication are common in nearly all homes, as are tobacco products. 

Considering this, why would legal marijuana, which can be bought in stores as well as at home be any different? 

Observing data for Los Angeles, the number of pot users increased significantly after the addition of dispensaries. Amsterdam had a 20% increase in its user rate after the decriminalization of marijuana and the “legalization” of cannabis cafes. The U.S. is unlikely to have a different culture. There would only be an increase in use if more access, less stigma, and no legal repercussions were in place.

The Struggle Over Criminality in Black and Gray Markets

We should also consider reducing violence as an argument. Many people claim that legalizing marijuana would reduce cartel violence and gang activity. If these organizations were deprived of capital and their key source of revenue, they would cease to exist, and peace would be inevitable. The assumption here is twofold. There is one observation, and that is that marijuana is the only reason gangs and cartels exist. A second fear resides in criminal organizations not adapting and continuing their attempts at controlling marijuana distribution and sale by legal means.

Hundreds of thousands of people have been murdered, kidnapped, assassinated, beheaded and corrupted by the transnational drug organizations, cartels, primarily those in Mexico. Meths, cocaine, synthetic weeds, human trafficking, kidnappings, assassinations, sex trafficking, money laundering, ID theft, firearms sales, and slavery are typical ways they earn money. 

Weak and corrupt governments are the cause of cartels. It is possible to hurt the cartels’ enormous profits but they will likely not be destroyed or dismantled by eliminating marijuana from the equation. The likelihood of increased violence is quite high, considering how cartels would struggle to maintain the profits they have become accustomed to in the aftermath of recent events. Organizations that are more desperate would do everything in their power to maintain control of their markets. 

Issues Related To Medicine And Politics

The legal system here in the United States, as well as work I’ve done for the government, it wouldn’t save the taxpayers’ money or reduce drug use. Dismantling criminal enterprises would not be achieved by legalizing cannabis. Marijuana has merits when used for medical purposes. Several research studies have been deemed biased and more political due to the polarized viewpoints on both sides. 

Further, large drug companies may have avoided the drug due to the lack of effects or inability to patent it and make a profit. There is evidence that marijuana can reduce the symptoms of many maladies, but it cannot replace the treatment of those illnesses. Several pharmaceuticals are similar to it in this respect. It is possible to develop dependence and addiction as a result of taking this medication. There are strict dosage and potency regulations in the process of manufacturing pharmaceuticals and during clinical trials. 

As of today, this isn’t the case since legalization does not seem to be the best option thanks to 420. An approach of controlled decriminalization and improved research might be more appropriate to a drug that cannot be anticipated to go away anytime soon.

Final thoughts

Accordingly, it would appear that many of the arguments for legalizing marijuana have yet to be fully examined. Besides the case for legalizing marijuana, there are many arguments against it that are equally passionate and persuasive, as well as many debates for it. With all that being said, feel free to browse products at Homegrown Cannabis Co. and check out their BOGOs deals on high-quality seeds.

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